Returns & Refunds

Can I Return My Item?

We understand that buying online can be tricky. If your purchase was not what you were expecting or you have changed your mind, then you can return it. All we ask is the following:

You have not had the product over 30 days

The item is in a resaleable condition

The packaging is intact

The item has not been fitted

Any items over 30 days that still meet the above conditions may be subject to a 15% restocking charge at our discretion

Received a Damaged Item. What Can I do?

In the unlikely event of your product arriving damaged please get in touch as soon as possible so we can work to resolve the issue. To help you can:

Take a photo of the damage

Do not fit or use the damaged product

If a replacement item can be sent, we will do so. Items returned for refund will be inspected for the damage before we can issue the refund. Refunds are only provided to the person who originally placed and paid for the order.

Where should I return the item to?

If you need to return an item please do so to:

Seintech Vehicle Parts Ltd

Unit 4 Waxholme Trading Park

Waxholme Lane


East Riding of Yorkshire

HU19 2BJ

United Kingdom